Mission to adult = failure

The holiday season is coming to an end and soon we’d be back to school. To do a kind deed, I decided to take my younger sister to Chuck-E-Cheeses for a day of fun before she has to hit the books again and resume school.

With a 9 year age gap between us I always dreamed of the day when I could play big sister and take the little one out. However, there’s an older sister in the picture as well so she usually had the role of taking us two younger ones out XD With the older one off adventuring in Japan, I now have the opportunity to step up to the plate and play big sister Nicky. Sadly, with my child-like nature, I often forget that I’m the oldest sister in the house presently. It slipped my mind that without my older sister, that I’m now the “adult” supervision. It also slipped my mind that by legality I am pretty much an adult. However, I’m not one in every sense of the word, and today at Chuck-E-Cheese’s proved it.

We started off with an order of buffalo wings.
They were okay I guess. Not very fulling (should’ve stuck with the pizza) but it didn’t matter; my focus wasn’t so much on the food but rather on getting enough tickets so I can get a pair of fuzzy dice. Big purple ones just like what Pops wanted in regular show.

fuzzy dice regular show

Unlike the ones in Regular Show, the purple dice I had my eyes on were only were 400 tickets.

I immediately made my way to a few games where I could press my luck and aim for a big bonus.


That was failure with a side of epic (i.e. an epic fail) lol. Since the day was supposed to be about the little one, I allowed her to choose the next set of games. She wanted to play skeeball, but I ended up rage quitting so quickly. I’m pretty sure my exasperated “arghhsss!!” were heard by all around despite the screams of excitement from children that filled the room.


We explored the venue, attempting games that could produce as many tickets as possible. There was one called marathon runner where we were in a wheel and had to run as fast as possible. With that game we produced the most tickets at the price of our energy.

marathon runner tickets

sitting in the wheel to collect tickets

I fell in the wheel at the end and all the little kids around were laughing at big, old, out of shape me losing my breath at the end of the game 😦 lol. With zero energy, I played some whack a frog game in the little kiddies section.


I had to be on my knees in order to reach the game XD Some parents were watching me as though I’m the most immature person around, but who cares? I got my tickets 😀

At the end of the day my younger sister and I had a total of 427 tickets. Hooray! Enough for the fuzzy dice! At the counter to get our prize, there was a huge argument between us about which prize to take.

Sis: No fuzzy dice!
Me: but I want my fuzzy dice!!
Sis: Give me one good reason why you should get the fuzzy dice?
Me: *in baby voice* because Pops in Regular Show wanted a pair in an episode so I want one just like Pops *pouts*
Sis: No fuzzy dice!
Me: You’re not my mommy you can’t tell me what to do! *runs to counter to get dice*

In the end, we negotiated. I bought her some ice-cream and told her next time she picks the prize, and I got my dice (along with some spider rings for us).

fuzzy dice and ice cream

When we got home, my little sister told our parents I had misbehaved and threw a tantrum :O Oh well, I have my dice *giggles*. In the end, today was the perfect example that age does not equate to maturity. Just because I’m an adult on paper, does not mean I’m one at heart. It doesn’t bother me to still be able to stay in touch with my inner child 🙂

Miss Julie: A Lust Story

Miss Julie, a naturalistic play.
Originally written by August Strindberg in 1888, the story follows the tale of a young woman of an aristocratic background, Miss Julie, who is enticed by her father’s driver, Jean. It is set on Christmas Eve in the kitchen at the family manor where the pair’s romance intensifies to one of a sexual nature, leading to an eerie predicament.

The play was re-adapted by Errol Sitahal to suit the Trinidadian audience and produced by Farrukh A. Barlas of FAB Productions (https://www.facebook.com/FABProductions/timeline).

Description: The play follows the relationship between Miss Julie a noble-woman and her young servant, Jean, on Christmas Eve night. Miss Julie has just broken off her engagement to her fiance, and is drawn to Jean’s charm. She flirts with Jean in front of his fiance, Christine, and Jean in turn encourages Miss Julie and flirts back. Their relationship escalates when Jean pretends to be in love with Miss Julie, and persuades her to run away as it is the only way they can escape their dark pasts and even darker realities. But how far can they run before the darkness consumes them?

2miss julie

Jean (Vedesh Nath) and Miss Julie (Rebecca Foster)

The Swedish estate of the original play was transformed into a troubled Trinidadian post-colonial manor. While Christine, Jean’s fiancée, also servant/cook at the manor, is asleep, Miss Julie and Jean linger in the kitchen with a deepening flirtation brewing between them. They converse and share beers together. However, beers were not the only thing the pair shared that night as they later consummated their relationship. Talk about running off to Barbados developed, which led to Miss Julie taking money from her father so she and Jean can escape. With a storm on the way as a result of their actions, there is only so much that could be done to escape.

The play was performed at the C.L.R. James Auditorium at Cipriani College. Since premiering on December 18th and ending on the 21st, Miss Julie: A Lust Story, has received many positive reviews from both press and public. Members of the audience were grossly intrigued by the various themes highlighted in the play and sometimes remained seated after the play had ended to discuss it with their colleagues. Miss Julie has been described as “Theatre with a difference” and said to be “a promising start for a new production company”. (Guardian TT review here: http://www.guardian.co.tt/arts/2014-12-28/miss-julie-promising-start-new-production-company).

miss julie tickets and flyers

ticket and flyer design

FAB Productions did an outstanding job to make guests feel like A-Listers on the opening night of Miss Julie. Red carpet at the entrance, media coverage, photographers to make guests feel like celebrities, as well as delectable appetizers and wine served after the show. It was truly a night to remember. None of this would be possible without the hard work of Mr. Farrukh Barlas and his team to produce work of an excellent quality. From the meticulous planning and design of tickets and flyers, to the production itself, FAB Productions ensured to get their name noticed with Miss Julie. Trinidad and Tobago will be looking forward to more work from this company in the future.

FAB - miss julie

from left to right: Vedesh Nath (Jean), Aryanna Mohammed (co-director), Farrukh A. Barlas (producer), and Rebecca Foster (Miss Julie)

Short hair, don’t care!

Growing up, I’ve been around my sister whose long, wavy hair passes her butt. Meanwhile, mine forever stayed medium length. I guess genetics didn’t work in my favour to give me the ridiculously long locks that my both sisters have, but it matters not anyway because I prefer shorter hair. For one, I live in a tropical climate. Why would I want all that hair to make me extra warm? Secondly, I hate maintaining my hair #TooMuchEffort. Lastly, short hair is so kawaii!!! 😀

For many years I have begged and begged to remove some inches from my hair, but the answer had always been “no”. According to mother, what makes a woman beautiful is her hair and if I cut mine I’d never find a man to love me -_- My response would remain that I don’t care for any man who’s judges me based on the length of my hair, so it wouldn’t bother me if I didn’t find any if it is for such shallow reasons.

At long last, I got the consent. I’ve been begging a lot more since I noticed Taylor Swift’s shorter hair. It’s so cute and convinced me once again that I need to cut mine. Yes, I’m 20 years old, but I still need permission for something even as trivial as cutting my hair. I was instructed no more than 4 inches… well… felt a little rebellious and withheld that information from my hairdresser XD Sadly my cousin is my hairdresser (owns her own salon) and she knows my mom would die if it were too short, so she left it at shoulder length. That’s fine with me though. It still looks cute and I’m happy 🙂 To some, this isn’t very short. Mother however isn’t speaking to me since it’s her definition of “too short” (yet she has a pixie cut #hypocrisy). Well, she’d get over it eventually. If not, then her loss haha. Of course, some friends are a little upset that it’s short. Those are the close-minded ones who also believe that a woman gets her beauty from the length of her hair. But um… it’s my hair. Also, it’s just hair. It will grow back! I think I should be allowed to experiment a bit. Hmm, maybe the next experiment will be with colour, but unsure which one.

Well until next time. I shall enjoy rocking the short hair. Take care everyone!

thatborderlinegirl ❤