New Year’s resolution

As I am counting down to 2015, I reflect on my past year. I sigh at my mistakes, hoping to learn from them. I smile at the wonderful moments shared with the people I love. Gasp at some risks I’ve taken, though laughing at some of the entertaining outcomes. All in all, 2014 has been a year of tremendous growth for me. I waved goodbye to my teenage years, though, clung to my childlike nature as I dreadfully entered my 20s. I cut ties with people who harboured negativity around me. It was difficult, for some of them were held close to my heart, but I am wise enough to know I shouldn’t continue allowing that poison in my life. I rode extreme emotional rollercoasters, hitting the highest of highs to only drop to the lowest of lows. However, despite all the ups and downs, I came off this ride feeling more alive than ever before!

Each year I make new year’s resolutions although I never keep them. For the upcoming year, I think I’ll take a rain check on the traditional resolutions. To some, they may serve as a reminder for goals to achieve within the new year, but to me, it’s just a fad.

The only goal I have for 2015 is the same goal I set for my life. I hope to continue making each moment count; savouring the good times and not wallowing in the bad. I hope to continue relinquishing the negativity that is around me and to surround myself with more positive vibes. I hope to continue trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone… challenging myself! Most importantly, what I desire more than anything, is to continue showing myself as well as inspiring others to see that the fight against mental illness is not a losing one. We hold the key to our happiness; just to find the power within to unlock it 🙂

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.” – Neil Gaiman

Take care everybody, and all the best in 2015!

xoxo thatborderlinegirl


12 thoughts on “New Year’s resolution

  1. 20’s are not so bad, in fact they are pretty fun!! Your goal seems perfect and I hope you are able to fulfill it each day! Happy New Year, and thank you for all your support!


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