Sunset Festival

To be very honest, I’m not really a fan of EDM. I mean it’s cool but I’m more of a rock/metal kind of girl. However, I’m not confined to any single genre. When I heard about the event Sunset Festival, I was definitely up for attending! A few of the reasons were:

  1. Skrillex
  2. Skrillex
  3. Skrillex
  4. Trying something new and venturing outside of my comfort zone
  5. Major Lazer
  6. Did I mention Skrillex already?

I’m always willing to try new things for experience sake, and I definitely don’t regret having attended Sunset Festival. It was the first rave I ever went to and I’d like to share a bit about it with you guys 🙂

On arrival, I surely felt out of my element (especially since I don’t crawl from under my rock that often lol).  I wore jeans and a normal black top which made me feel overdressed in comparison to all the females in crop tops and shorts >_< Okay, next time I should probably look up what to wear at a rave before attending one haha.

Le Nicky, despite being carefree most times, gets ridiculously introverted when in any sort of party environment. It took a few shots and some vodka for me to loosen up enough and shed the shy veil surrounding me so I could become one with the music. Before I knew it, I was fist pumping and dancing with people who I really don’t remember haha XD .

The moment I was waiting for finally came… Skrillex!!!!! *melts* *dies* *resurrects* *melts some more* No denying I mostly lost my voice when he came on stage. I screamed so much and quiet Nicky turned into a “woo girl” ( The rest of my voice went when Major Lazer and Diplo came on 🙂 I must say, they really know how to put on a show!!! I may not be a big fan of that genre of music, but all of those guys totally killed it that night!!! I’m really happy I decided to attend Sunset Festival because it was surely a night to remember, and I think in the upcoming year I’d venture out of my comfort zone some more and hopefully have more memorable moments like I did on Sunday 🙂

Some pics:


one of the many spots I signed on the wall (Nikki Nikki)


shirtless Diplo *.*

*melts* Skrillex:

Jillionaire: DSC03751 DSC03759DSC03801

Bunji Garlin:
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Machel Montano:
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(from left to right) Diplo, Jillionaire, Kes

I saw the opportunity, I took it, and I had a blast! Thanks Skrillex and Major Lazer for coming to Trinidad and giving us one hell of a fun night ❤

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